An authoringtool For schools and teachers committed to active and hybrid education

Brightbook makes it easy to create and share engaging, interactive courseware. Build and experience a seamless, integrated learning experience that brings enlightenment to the learning process.

Active learning

Using multi-media and exercises, students are encouraged to actively learn and reflect.

Hybrid learning

Brightbook supports teaching, group work and self-study.

A digital interactive course in a snap

Create your own account now

The advantages of Brightbook

The teacher focuses on the content, while Brightbook ensures an automated, study-friendly layout.

Brightbook is grounded in scientific research on effective and active learning.Ā 

The teacher can easily update and develop their course over the years. It is also possible to add enrichments once the course has been published online.Ā 

Successful collaborations

As an ICT coordinator, it's heartwarming to see how teachers work their magic with Brightbook. Itā€™s already being used for general subjects, and I recently convinced the sports teachers to adopt it as well. Impressive work! A proud coordinator!



Brightbook is THE tool I was looking for to support my hybrid lessons. My students write more compared to a standard workbook. I stay in control, allowing me to make quick adjustments.



Brightbook is voor mij een efficiƫnte manier om cursusinhoud voor hybride lessen te maken. De mogelijkheid om zowel online, maar ook (een deel) op papier te blijven werken met mijn leerlingen, is een grote troef.



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